Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Excuse me, ma'am

I must have a friendly face! It is now to the point of being hilarious how people will stop me to help them when I am out in public. A few good examples:
Shopping in the drugstore, picking up some contact lens solution. A shopper comes over to me and asks me if I could recommend which ear wax cleaning product was the most efficient.
I am at the grocery store. An elderly lady stops me in the middle of the store and asks me if I would give her a ride home. She had left her groceries at the check out in order to walk back through the store to look for a friendly face for a ride home. Then the hilarity continued, as she rewarded me by reaching in her grocery bag and handing me an onion when I dropped her off!
Well Sunday, we went for a long walk and photoshoot. Three bikers past us and then circled back around and got off their bikes. "Excuse me ma'am, would you take our photo?" Of course, and then he handed me his HOLGA camera (trendy plastic toy film camera) to take their photo! How fun is that!!!!
(these occurances happen just about every week!)


Char said...

I think it's a wondeful compliment. It's a sure indicator you're very charming I'm sure of it.

Anna - Three Sneaky Bugs said...

An onion for a tip - I love it!

And yes, it's quite a compliment. You do have a friendliness about you and I'm fairly positive you smile a lot. A bit of a rarity these days.

Erin said...

Well how cool is that? Yay you!!!

ELK said...

no surprise I am sure of your friendly face in this cool shot!

Eva said...

How fun! That lady is lucky she found you and not someone who would take advantage of her. You should take a picture of the onion!

painted fish studio said...

oh how fun! i'd love to be tagging along on your adventures... but then again, i sometimes look pretty cranky, and i'd drive all those people away!

and an onion is the best way to thanks someone for a ride home.

peawink said...

Martha - you do have a friendly face! I miss seeing you and really hope I'll get a chance to visit with you while I'm in town. Jovita

Anonymous said...

stories to tell on your blog. that's why it happens...offering up life's little moments :)

Anonymous said...

I think it's because you have a very open soul that overflows with positive energy.

Wanda, Melania & Mishayla said...

Martha, I've said it before and I don't mind saying it again. You are the best!

jackie said...

This is so amusing, but I agree I think it is a compliment to you and your completely beautiful personality. An onion - I love that!