I think old cameras are treasures! And over Thanksgiving, we rummaged through the basement at Chad's parents house and came back upstairs with a few old cameras and a box of his childhood photos. For me, that was like Christmas morning! What fun! We sat in the living room, and went through the photos divvying the photos into piles. The cameras,.... no one was interested in but me! The top photo on this mosaic was Chad's camera when he was a boy which we brought home! The bottom row of cameras have already been hanging out on the shelves in my collection!
great mosaic. and a great memory - we did that at my sister's birthday when she pulled out some family photos to show my niece who was born after my father died...it was a great time of making fun of clothes and hair and then warm memories.
Oh those are GREAT. I looove old cameras too. Hope you have some lovely white shelves to display them on.
You've got a fabulous collection! What is the one in the bottom left corner? I've had my eye on getting one like the Kodak in the middle on the bottom.
What great memories these cameras have captured!
ooooh I'm with you on collecting these I just started mine with that hawkeye:) now you have me wanting more. A cabinet full would be great! I love that you have your husbands old camera, bet the photos were suh fun!
yay! xmas early. you've got a great collection started...
Me three, love those old cameras and love what they and talented photographers like you, can do with them. fun collection.
oh wow. what a find. these are fantastic. i also love looking through old family photos. how fun.
What a great find...love old cameras - and old family photos are so much fun :)
ttv--here comes Martha! :)
I'm sure it was like Christmas early for you! Will you be using any of them for more than decorations?
Wow, what treasures! I'm glad the cameras are in such good hands!
i'm giddy just looking at these photos! how wonderful!
I am with you - I adore old cameras, especially if they belonged to someone I love~
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