I have been so engrossed in photography and Flickr, I thought I would post a glimpse of Sew Fab Martha! When I was visiting my family, I took some photos of a quilt I made for my mom. Yesterday, I walked past my most recent unfinished quilt, and felt a bit of longing to quilt. And then I reminded myself that my days of decent light for photo taking will soon be over as the grey and gloom decends on the northwest. But the good news is,.... it makes for some good quilting weather! I don't feel quite ready to hunker down for winter, but I can feel it coming!
Wow! You are so fab! That's beautiful. (Love the pic with the hands in it.)
thank you for sharing these images ~stunning!
That is such a beautiful quilt! I feel the same as you...I can feel the gray and rain of winter coming on. I too have picked up my knitting again.
P.S Love the hands in the image especially.
Wow - I can't imagine how much work that took. It's lovely!
But yes, don't rush the winter, it'll come soon enough. Of course, then you could work on some indoor photography and make a light box or something.
the quilt is sooooo beautiful! i, too, sense the upcoming cold and grey, and hate that there's so little daylight left in the day! and it's going to get worse! but there is knitting to be done, while covered with blankets, so i guess it's ok.
that is truly gorgeous. wow. talented lady....
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