Monday, September 22, 2008

explore ~ my first row explored

I just wanted to post my fun Flickr brag page on my blog, since I know some of you don't make a habit of Flickr. For me, it has become somewhat of an addiction! (in case you wonder why I haven't called!)

Each day, the Flickr website arranges what they perceive (a computer program) as the most interesting 500 photos of the day and they call this Explore. I have had that honor with 8 of my photos making it to Explore!
And this poster shows them off!


Anonymous said...

This should just prove to you how amazingly TALENTED you are. Truly. Each of these (and a lot more of yours) are simply brillant.
Congrats and enjoy the "Explore Glory"!

Anna - Three Sneaky Bugs said...

What a fun poster! It looks so professional. You totally deserve to be on explore.

painted fish studio said...

congratulations!!! i saw your poster on flickr, but didn't know what it meant! whoo-hoo!

Anonymous said...
