Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Ride like the wind

Riding across the Great Divide on a dog sled! This was a fabulous mix of excitement and history to bump along a snowy path in a dog sled! On the way home, we got to take turns driving the dog sled standing on the back, and at -25 C, that was very refreshing! Wonderful memory!


Char said...

what a great adventure!

spread your wings said...

what a wonderful experience - that had to have been thrilling.

ELK said...

martha ~ I am so envious of this ...what a thrill ...

Eva said...

That is SO cool! I bet it was freezing though!

Anonymous said...


Wayfaring Wanderer said...

What an incredible experience!!!! Seems like it would be a fabulous, albeit cold ride.

painted fish studio said...

how exciting! for as much as i hate the cold, sledding is something i would love to try.

Amy said...

AMAZING! brrrrrr -25? I would have been crying! You're brave girl. What a great looking trip that was! xo

Suvarna said...

sounds amazing, and fresh oh so fresh! :-)

Anonymous said...

Wow, did you have to take lessons or anything? How does that work - you just walk up to the dog sled rental agency and they hand you the reins? :)

Anna - Three Sneaky Bugs said...

I've always wanted to go dog sledding! How terribly fun. There's usually a dog sled race here in MN every year but the last 2 have been canceled due to ice & lack of snow. Maybe I'll actually get to see it this year.

Leanne said...

You are soooo lucky I would love to do this.